Stock Photos: Free and Easy
Stock Photos: Free and Easy
I found a site that will make your search for stock photos a breeze! Whether you’re short on time or looking for free images, LibreStock is a great place to go.
Simply type in your keywords and let LibreStock go out and search the whole internet for free-to-use photos. The result will be several beautiful images, from many different sources. You can immediately download any or all of them at no cost and with no worries about whether they are licensed to reuse. It is very important though as a courtesy to give credit to the photographer by stating ‘photo credit by’ and then link it to the respective website. In addition, if you like, you can either make a monetary or share donation.
Here is their website: LibreStock.com
Another way to look for images is via Google images search. Make sure you select Tools and make a selection from the drop down menu called: Usage rights. This filters images respective to your selection.
Check it out and let me know what you think. I would like to read your comments.
Photo credit: PublicDomainPictures.net by Darren Lewis